This game is good and it is really fun to play it. The graphics are excellent for the size of the game file and interface is user friendly after initial getting used to for an hour or two. However, as a few reviews have pointed, version 1.1.6 has a significant glitch, which has started hindering my gameplay now. The mowers or the large seeder planters and cultivators make rectangle patches of white to grey areas. Basically, it is a visual/graphical issue. Initially, it was fine, but now I have almost entire map in the ares with my fields with such white patches. It would be great if the next version can fix it and sooner than later. Finally, it would be great to see chicks being raised and eggs being produced and sold in this game. May be a patch with the same as well as an option to choose another map would be great. I purchased this game and has invested extra cash to purchase the in game currency to enhance the gameplay. But this glitch is now hindering my gameplay and I don’t want to play it anymore until it is fixed. So, please fix this glitch. I will always be a fan I own all years and versions across all device platforms. This one Farming Simulator 20 is pretty hard to beat for a mobile app!! If I have any complaints it is that there is no way to reset a vehicle or implement once it tips or falls over or gets stuck in bad situations without selling the item at a loss and repurchasing it. Which wouldn’t be to bad but if the item is say a “cotton bale trailer” with $100k+ worth of cargo and you sell it to remove it from said precarious situation The cargo is let in the very same situation with no way to retrieve it. Yes most of the time you can get creative and find ways to roll implements back over but it would be nice to have a way to rescue or reset vehicles or implements. Also there is a glitch with the terrain that makes large blocks of ground cover turn grey and flicker rapidly. It doesn’t seem to affect the crop quality or appearance just a little bit of OCD irritation. Thanks Giant Software absolute Home Run!!!! I sincerely hope for new updates and maybe new vehicles?!
"Step into the exciting world of farming with Farming Simulator 20! Harvest many different crops, tend to your livestock of pigs, cows, and sheep, and now ride your own horses, letting you explore the vast land around your farm in a brand-new way. Sell your products in a dynamic market to earn money which you can invest in additional machinery and the expansion of your farm.
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